Hi, this is my A2 Media blog. .It contains research and planning for my coursework production (music video) and ancillary texts (digipak and magazine adverts) and media exam. I'm in a production group with Kate, Tilly and Poppy, MKTP Productions.

Our Track (It's OK - Atomic Kitten

Friday, 7 March 2014

KH - Digipak Draft 1 - Front Cover

Front cover (without sticker)
Here is our first draft for our digipak front cover. There is clear reference to existing Atomic Kitten album covers, as they tend to use an image of the members in front of a white background, and they also often use the colour blue. When deciding upon outfits we took this into consideration by choosing blue dresses, so we have continued this blue theme into the digipak, to link the texts together. The font is also similar to the font used by Atomic Kitten.
   We took an image using an iPhone4s, and then used photoshop to brighten the colours and add text. We now need to experiment with other images and fonts, and add a sticker to advertise the bonus DVD.

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