-mirror shots at the beginning with colour effect need to be still, dancing scenes, climbing frame scenes, down the stairs at the park.
- charity shop scene looking through the clothes and the girls trying them on.
- more material needed.

-more variation of setup and better evidence of more scenes with dancing variety need to reinforce the narrative.
- good shots in mirror and a lot of variation in dancing and charity shops.
-lalala shots work the best and will stick in peoples heads
material appropriate
- almost excellent with colour coding

-bedroom footage of younger to older anchors the narrative
-grid format of dance shots
- random cuts of music don't look right.
-lighting issues too dark at the start in the park.
- Good use of effects works really well on the phone
- colour correction works well and shows colour scheme.
-fading and layering on catwalk shows girls changing into women really well.
-flash effect works really well

-costume works well dance costumes need to be more urban.
-outside the house doesnt work for the girls being celebrities
-bedroom is good and been adapted to look more girly
- wall with pipe looks bad ( will have graffiti )
- limo at the start and at the end of girls getting in and out of car or frame the girls getting out of car in dresses and heals more scope for wide shot variety.
-crowd scenes of people and paparazzi to show the celeb life style.
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