Hi, this is my A2 Media blog. .It contains research and planning for my coursework production (music video) and ancillary texts (digipak and magazine adverts) and media exam. I'm in a production group with Kate, Tilly and Poppy, MKTP Productions.

Our Track (It's OK - Atomic Kitten

Monday, 14 October 2013

Podcast Week 2 - Idea Development 13/10/13

Over the past week we have continued to develop our idea following on from feedback from the class. We are going to cast younger girls as the younger version of the pussy cat dolls to try and increase verisimilatude. This week we also filmed and edited a 20 second piece of sample footage to experiment on ideas and also editing and effects we may wish to use in our final product. From this we really liked the effect of the 5 girls being represented by their own colour and we plan to use this again.

Over the coming week we are planning in more depth production areas such as characters, costume, location and mise-en-scene, narrative and performance, influences, intertextuality and editing style guide. We plan to do these in vodcasts format so they are easily accessable and we can give visual aids of what we want to achieve. Along with this we will start to gather more audience feedback from our primary target audience.  

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