Hi, this is my A2 Media blog. .It contains research and planning for my coursework production (music video) and ancillary texts (digipak and magazine adverts) and media exam. I'm in a production group with Kate, Tilly and Poppy, MKTP Productions.

Our Track (It's OK - Atomic Kitten

Thursday, 12 September 2013

EG8- Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound TBC

ACT: Swedish House Mafia
TRACK: Greyhound
YEAR: 2012
GENRE: House
AUDIENCE: 15-25, M+F


RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VISUALS + LYRICS: There is a strong link between the lyrics and the visuals, as the narrative of the video follows a race between three greyhounds. The three greyhounds are controlled by the three members of SHM, and the shots of 

PERFORMANCE STYLE: There is some performance footage even though this is unusual for this genre. We see the 3 members of Swedish House Mafia each with DJ sets playing throughout the whole video.

PACE: At the start of the video, the pace is slow and there is quite a long period before the music actually starts. The pace of the video slowly increases, as the shots are shown for less and less time until there is a drop in the song. 

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