Hi, this is my A2 Media blog. .It contains research and planning for my coursework production (music video) and ancillary texts (digipak and magazine adverts) and media exam. I'm in a production group with Kate, Tilly and Poppy, MKTP Productions.

Our Track (It's OK - Atomic Kitten

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Audience Feedback 1 - Dancing Shots TBC

We made a short video for our Target Audience to watch, to get their opinions on which shots would look the most effective in our music video.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

KH - Magazine Conventions

Magazine adverts are used to promote the artist and sell their material. It is important for the advert to be eye catching, so that readers will observe the advert and notice the artist and consider buying the product.

To create a successful advertisement, there are many conventions that should be included, to provide the reader with information about the product:
  • Artist name
  • Image of album cover; this provides an eye catching element and means that the readers will know what it looks like when going to buy it if that's what they choose. 
  • The release date
  • Where you can purchase it; online companies e.g. amazon, iTunes
  • Record label logo
The advertisement needs to have some relation to the music video so that a constant link is maintained and the audience can understand the mag ad.

PP - Rough Cut Feedback

We got feedback from our colleagues who are n the age bracket of out target audience to give us feedback on our first rough cut.

1. They thought that the colour used at the start of the video used in editing to create a coloured tint over the characters was too vibrant, and may be more effective if toned down and had more of a subtle effect.

2. The cat walk section for the older pussycat dolls had messy mise-en-scene, for example you can see a car parked in the back right hand side of the shot, and they suggested that this part should be reshot because of this. They also thought that for the catwalk section the older and younger PCD should be in the same location so that the transitions between them are smoother. Framing also needs to be improved on this section.

3. They liked the skatepark section and thought it worked well.

4. They also thought that the narrative didn't come across. As we explained the basic narrative before them watching it, they had some idea of what we were aiming for, however they thought that the older girls fame wasn't anchored enough and we should further reinforce it using mise-en-scene such as a limo and red carpet. We could also show paparazzi and and crowds.

5. They thought that the increased pace in editing as the video progressed also worked well. Also the childish connotations of the hairspray can work well and more of this should be included.

6.  They thought that the colour distinction between the girls should be more obvious and we should consider making the older girls more sexualised with what they are wearing. By increasing the male gaze we could do this by doing more close ups on heels and legs.

7. We should also consider humiliating a boy in the video. By doing this we are making us look more powerful and includes some humour. It also makes the girls look more desirable.

Rough Cut 1

This is our first rough cut. By doing this rough cut it has given us a better idea of what does and doesn't work and if anything should be reshot. It also gives us a video to get audience feedback from as it is a good representation of what we want our final video to be like.

KH - Digipak Research

List of Albums
Previous Albums:
On September 13, 2005, they released the album PCD. The album included dance-pop songs with their burlesque style, as well as tributes and covers. This album sold over 10 million copies worldwide and is one of the best selling albums by a girl group. The album featured 6 singles and a further 6 tracks. The revised edition also featured a further 3 tracks.

PCD Album Artwork

On September 19, 2008, Doll Domination was released. When I Grow Up proved to be the most successful single to come from the album, but the album itself did not do as well as previous albums. Throughout 2009 the album was re-released and Doll Domination 2.0 and 3.0 were created. 5 million copies of the album have been sold worldwide.

Doll Domination Album Artwork


    Tuesday, 7 January 2014

    Requesting Permission from Rights Holder

    We contacted Interscope Records to ask permission to use the track "When I Grow Up". Below is a screenshot of our email.
    our email

    Monday, 6 January 2014

    Fan/Genre Forums we will use

    Here is a list of all of the fan forums we have used to get a better idea of who our target audience for our music video;





    Magazine Ad - Competition TBC

    Our magazine ads will feature a worldwide competition, where someone has the chance to win a place in The Pussycat Dolls' next music video. This links in with our work at the Creative Arts Evening, where we asked willing participants to perform a part of simple choreography from our music video. 

    PP - Instagram TBC

    On our instagram we have started posting pictures of us editing and introduced the group. We have added multiple hash tags to each so we are easily findable to any who supports PCD or are interested in our work. From instagram you can also upload pictures straight to twitter also so we can keep all out social media platforms well updated.

    screenshot from Instagram

    PP - Cast Feedback

    After our shoot with the younger PCD we asked them about how we found the shoot and working with us on the video. We got positive feedback and they all enjoyed working with us and are excited to see the final result.

    PP - Digipak Experimenting

    For the front cover of our digipak we have been experimenting with cutting out the girls in the picture and putting us on a different more effective background. We also plan t experiment with black and white and silhouettes. 

    Here is our first try and cutting round the girls using Adobe Photoshop. 


    Friday, 3 January 2014

    TD - Digipack Idea

    Our idea for our digi packs is to have silhouettes of the girls on the front as adults and on the back them younger.We think this will be very simple yet effective. We will have the digi pack very colourful yet very girly to link with our theme. We have looked at albums previously by the pussycat dolls to build up our knowledge of what makes a successful one. We got our idea from this, to have the girls posing in positions like in our video.

    We are going to have the girls in black . we will do this on photoshop and cut them out change to black then put onto a background of our choice. We have looked at backgrounds such as our performance scenes. We decided for the older pussycat dolls to be on plain background and the youngers also to be on plain background make them stand out. On the front also we will have sparkles to make it girly and our logo.

    For the inside we though of having it busier than the front we thought we could have the red carpet and limo fading into the park or the school as a young scene of the girls when they are younger. This will be in bright colours and we will make it girly and have sparkles all on it.which we will create on photoshop.